Chances are you got a dog because you wanted a good companion for you and your family. But they don’t typically show up knowing exactly how to fit into our world and our routines. We can help you achieve your goals and give you the life you want with your dog by helping your dog understand what is expected. Imagine a dog who listens to you, plays with his own toys rather than your possessions, who you can take anywhere, and who is a pleasure to be around. This dog can be a reality.
If you are on this site then you know that all too well. Does any of this sound familiar?
Does your dog jump on you, your children, and your guests? Does he tear up your home, pull on the leash, get loose and refuse to come to you, or exhibit other problem behavior? Do you find yourself constantly having to be on top of your dog making sure he’s not in trouble or cleaning up his messes?
Do you dream of a dog that lays quietly while you are eating, greets your guests with respect, and is just a pleasure to be around all the time?