A great read about remote collars
Can You Reinforce a Dog’s Emotional State?
Emotions are not behavior. Comforting a child who has just had a nightmare doesn’t increase the likelihood of nightmares. Comforting your dog doesn’t increase emotional distress. It decreases it!
We Are Our Choices
Just a Spoonful of Cat Food?
Some of you have met my little Killian in past blog entries or on his Facebook page. One thing I don’t talk a lot about with Killian is how incredibly difficult he can be to medicate. Now, I am not new to medicating dogs. I have even been hired by clients to come over and […]
Pet Professional Guild Launches Worldwide Advocacy Program — The Pet Professional Guild
Project Trade encourages pet owners to exchange aversive training devices for discounted force-free training services provided by PPG members Tampa, FL – The Pet Professional Guild (PPG) has launched Project Trade, an international advocacy program that encourages pet owners to … Continue reading → via Pet Professional Guild Launches Worldwide Advocacy Program — The Pet Professional Guild
What Every Pet Owner Needs To Know About Dog Trainers
The Problems with Remote Collars
You may be surprised to know that I once used these. You won’t be surprised to hear that I am really, really sorry.
Why the Latest Cesar Milan Incident Isn’t Just About a Pig
Great explanation of the hoopla for those who think it is much ado about nothing.
Why we need to challenge what our trainers tell us.
There has been enough coverage of the incident featured on Cesar 911 recently where Simon the French Bulldog cross, who had previously killed pigs, was allowed to be in an enclosed area off lead wi… Source: Why we need to challenge what our trainers tell us.
Breed Labels: When Guesses Turn Into Predictions
Source: Breed Labels: When Guesses Turn Into Predictions