Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas

Desensitizing to Touch While Eating


This should only be done with a dog that has not bitten when protecting resources.  Keep your eyes open for body language.     Some specific things to watch for:

  • Freezing
  • Speeding up eating
  • Ears pinned
  • Side eyes
  • Growling
  • Raised lip
  • Lowered head

If you see these signs you’ve pushed your dog too far and you need to take a break.


  • Clicker or other marker noise
  • Treats your dog likes better than his food (you can use dog treats, but you may want to try boiled chicken or pieces of beef to really make an impression.
  • Your dog’s food

Training Environment

The most important thing to consider when choosing your training environment is that your dog be as relaxed as possible.

Recommended Treat Position

  • Hand the dog treats or put them in the food bowl if you can.
  • If you don’t feel safe getting your hands close to your dog’s face, drop the treats on the floor next to your dog.


  • Prepare your dog’s food
  • Hold the bowl at your dog’s nose level and allow her to eat.
  • Bring your hand close to your dog.  You may need to just hold your hand near your dog at first.  Don’t touch your dog if she tenses up.
  • With your hand in position, click (or mark) and treat.
  • After three repetitions change the position of your hand.
  • Gradually work until you are able to pet your dog without any signs of stress (see above).


Feed your dog her meals this way this week.

At the End of This Step

You should be able to pet your dog when she is eating while you are  holding the food bowl.