Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas

Leave It 101: It’s Your Choice

Logout Leave It: Letting Your Dog Make the Correct Choice Teaching your dog to leave treats in your hand Tools Treats or kibble Clicker on lanyard or bracelet Training Environment Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. Treat Position Hand the treat to your dog and say “Get it” First Steps […]

Switching Venues

Logout Switching Venues Because your dog does not necessarily understand that a cue means the same thing in a new location as it does where you have trained it, when you first start a behavior it is helpful to change locations once your dog is successful. What I mean by this is:  If your dog […]

Leash Walking 205: Rear End Awareness

Logout Rear End Awareness: Teaching the Dog to be Comfortable on the Target Dogs are not great about understanding where their back ends are. By using a target we can help them figure it out. Choosing Your Target Select a non-slip target that your dog will be able to distinguish from the floor around it.  […]

Adding the Cue

Logout Adding the Cue We strive to train your dog regardless of equipment choices. We do recommend the following equipment based on it’s safety and comfort for the dog and handler. What is a cue? A cue is a word or noise that tells your dog that a certain behavior should follow.  Rather than thinking […]

Clicker Basics

Logout Clicker Basics Using a Clicker in Dog Training What is a clicker? We will be using a clicker to train your dog.  A clicker is a small device that emits a sound.  Your trainer will provide you with a clicker. Why do we use the clicker? There are several advantages to using a clicker […]

Leash Walking 109: Click for Attention

Logout Loose Leash Walking: Click for Attention PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be comfortable sitting in heel position (unless your dog will be showing, then don’t teach an automatic sit). Your dog should be able to follow you as you practice walking back and forth saying “let’s go!” every time you turn. TOOLS: Clicker Treat pouch […]

Settle 108: Increasing the Dog’s Distance from the Mat

Logout Settle: Increasing Your Dog’s Distance From the Mat PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be going to his mat from five or more feet away and lying down. TOOLS: Clicker Mat Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: A location where your dog has successfully gone to his mat and lay down at least six times in a […]

Settle 107: Adding the Cue

Logout Settle: Adding the Cue PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be going to his mat from five or more feet away and lying down. TOOLS: Clicker Mat Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: A location where your dog has successfully gone to his mat and lay down at least six times in a row. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: […]


Logout What is Threshold? Threshold is a term used by trainers to describe the limit (be it space or intensity) to which we can expose our dog before he/she becomes too worried or distracted to be able to perform. When working with distractions or triggers we need to be sure to work our dog outside […]