Located in Rudy, Arkansas Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas
Say please
Once you have a behavior (like sit) you can begin using it for a “say please” cue. Now your dog is cuing you!
Your dog will perform a behavior for the things you give him/her in a normal day.
Say please
Your dog should have a behavior like sit or down that can be used for your dog to request something from you.
Just you, your dog, and something your dog wants.
Training Environment
This will vary depending on what your dog is “asking” for. For example, if your dog is asking for his/her dinner, then you will be wherever you feed your dog. If he/she is asking to go outside, you will be at the door. It all depends on what you are giving your dog in exchange for the “please” behavior.
Recommended Treat Position
You are not treating in this exercise.
Approach the desired “thing”. This may be a dinner bowl, a toy, freedom to go outdoors, a car ride, anything your dog likes.
Ask for a behavior that is known and that your dog gives without hesitation.
When your dog performs the behavior, give him/her the “thing”.
As an example, if you are teaching your dog to say please at the door to go outside:
Approach the door
Ask your dog to sit
When your dog sits, open the door.
Right now we’re not worried about your dog staying put. That’s a different exercise.
Find things in your daily life to use for this exercise. Take advantage of whatever your dog desires to ask for the behavior.
At the End of This Step
Your dog will use the behavior you have been working with to prompt you to give him/her what they want. If it’s to go outside, your dog will begin sitting when you walk to the door to let him/her out.
My dog won’t do the behavior.
Go back and click and treat the behavior more until your dog is doing it every time he/she is asked.
Your dog may. not actually want what you think he/she wants. Whatever the “thing” is, it must be something your dog wants.