Coercion in Pet Dog Training Leads Dogs To a “Life of Quiet Desperation”
Coercion in Pet Dog Training Leads Dogs To a “Life of Quiet Desperation”.
Wide World
There is so much to think about when we first bring home our little furry bundle of joy. Pups need so much from us; the
Reliable Recall: Some Rules to Teaching Your Dog to Come When Called
Coming when called is perhaps the most important thing your dog can learn. It can mean the difference between being lost forever, getting into a
A New Puppy For Christmas
What could be better than opening a wiggly box of puppy happiness on Christmas morning? Not much if you were in the market for a
Beating a Dead Zebra – Final Note
The apparent success of punishment can be convincing. Punishing will often result in an end to a behavior. It may also result in the temporary
Crossing Over
I thought it wise to take a break from my current series to explain something about my training methods for those of you who have
Beating a Dead Zebra – Part 5
Learned helplessness occurs when an animal/human finds their situation so out of their control, they eventually stop trying to change or escape it. This is
Beating a Dead Zebra – Part 4
Next on our list: Modeling. Modeling is seen in humans when children live through abuse. The often grow up to be abusers. Thank goodness our
Beating a Dead Zebra – Part 3
So, going with our list, avoidance is next. This one is fairly straightforward. If you punish your dog the dog is likely to be unaware
Beating a Dead Zebra – Part 2
Okay, so on the list I gave you in my last post the first one is not really applicable to dogs. Dogs don’t act in
Beating A Dead Zebra
I don’t want to feel like I am wasting my time trying to convince people that they do not need to cause their dog distress
Greetings and salutations!
I have long been unhappy with the limitations of my current blog on my website, so I decided to go with the pros and set