Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas

Leash Walking 205: Rear End Awareness

Rear End Awareness:
Teaching the Dog to be Comfortable on the Target

Dogs are not great about understanding where their back ends are. By using a target we can help them figure it out.

Choosing Your Target

Select a non-slip target that your dog will be able to distinguish from the floor around it.  A raised target is generally easier for your dog to figure out than one that is flat.


  • Platform or other surface that your dog can distinguish from the floor.
  • Treats
  • Treat pouch
  • Clicker


  • Lure your dog until he/she has front feet on the target platform.
  • Click and treat.
  • Now lure your dog until only back feet are on the platform.  
  • Click and lure your dog off the platform.
  • Do this about three times.
  • Next, lure your dog over the target until his/her back feet are on the platform.
  • Click and treat in position. 
  • Click and lure your dog off the platform.
  • Gradually extend the time by not clicking until your dog is comfortable standing with his/her back feet stationary on the target.