Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas


Logout What is Threshold? Threshold is a term used by trainers to describe the limit (be it space or intensity) to which we can expose our dog before he/she becomes too worried or distracted to be able to perform. When working with distractions or triggers we need to be sure to work our dog outside […]

Recall 108: Adding low level distractions

Logout Recall: Adding Low Level Distractions PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be coming to you from at least ten feet away every time you call him in a low distraction environment. TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch Long line (recommended) 3-10 items to be used as distractions. TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: You need to be in an environment you can […]

Down 105: Adding Movement and Distance

Logout Down: Adding Movement & Distance PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be lying down for several seconds and getting up when you give him the release cue. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step. Go back to the previous lesson on down and practice some more. TOOLS: Treats […]

Down 104: Introducing Stay

Logout Down: Introducing the Release Word PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be lying down whenever you ask him in a low distraction environment. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step. Go back to the previous lesson on down and practice some more. TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: […]

Down 103: Adding the Cue

Logout Down: Adding the Cue PREREQUISITE: You should have practiced capturing down with your clicker several times a day for the last week. Your dog should now be offering you a down when you start your training session. In order to proceed, it should look like this: You start training session. Your dog lies down. […]

Down 102: Extending Duration

Logout Down: Adding Duration PREREQUISITE: You should have practiced capturing down with your clicker several times a day for the last week.  Your dog should now be offering you a down when you start your training session. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step.  Go back to […]

Collar Grab

Logout Collar Grab This exercise is done to help dogs become accustomed to the idea that grabbing their collar is a good thing. TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch Clicker TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: A quiet place in your home where your dog is relaxed. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION:  Put the treat in your dog’s mouth. STEPS: Gently touch (do […]

Recall with Collar Grab

Logout Recall with Collar Grab ADDING THE COLLAR GRAB TO YOUR RECALL PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be HAPPY to come to you from ten feet away and be coming every time, and your dog should not be upset by having his collar or harness touched.  If he’s squeamish about having hands reach for his collar, […]

Sit 203: Distance Sits

Logout Sit from a Distance PREREQUISITE: You should be able to walk away from your dog in a quiet place, and have a nice strong sit with low level distractions. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step.  Go back to the previous lesson on sit and practice […]