Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas


Logout Watch Me TOOLS: Clicker Treats TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Start in place, if your dog starts staring at you, toss the treat behind him. STEPS: Face your puppy. Take a step back. When your puppy follows you, click and produce the treat, […]

Recall 101: Introducing Recall

Logout Introducing Recall (Come When Called) There is no cue where it is more important to set your dog up for success. This means that you should set up the environment so that your dog will absolutely make the correct choice when you call him/her. We must keep in mind that consequences drive behavior. If […]

Sit 101: Capturing Sit

Logout Introducing Sit TOOLS: Clicker Treats Treat pouch Mat TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: On mat. STEPS: PLEASE DO  NOT USE THE CUE (SIT) YET.  We want to be sure your dog is doing the behavior immediately and consistently before we add the cue. […]

Name Recognition

Logout Name Recognition Dogs don’t come knowing their names.  Just as with every skill, name recognition must be taught.  Here are the steps to teach your dog to understand his name: TOOLS: Treat Pouch Treats Clicker TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Start by handing […]

Sit 103 Add Cue

Logout Adding the Cue If you’d like to review the difference  between a cue and a command and why we choose the former, please visit your trainer’s blog Tail Waggin’ Times Adding the cue is the same with most behaviors (your trainer will tell you about the exceptions) so this example uses the sit behavior. […]


Recommended Equipment We strive to train your dog regardless of equipment choices. We do recommend the following equipment based on it’s safety and comfort for the dog and handler. Selecting a Leash You’ll find a variety of leashes on the market, so this is usually just a personal choice.  We ask that you stay away […]