Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas

Sit 202: Adding Distractions

Logout Sit: Adding Distractions PREREQUISITE: You should be able to turn your back on your dog, walk away from him, and step out of sight. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step. Go back to the previous lesson on sit and practice some more. TOOLS: Treats Treat […]

Sit 201: Removing Treats

Logout Removing the Treats This exercise is pretty much the same for any behavior your dog knows well enough.  If you start removing the treats and your behavior falls apart you either removed them too fast, or your dog doesn’t know the behavior as well as you think. PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be sitting whenever […]

Sit 106: Increasing Distance

Logout Sit: Increasing Distance PREREQUISITE: You should be able to turn your back on your dog without him getting up from his sit. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step.  Go back to the previous lesson on sit and practice some more. TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch Clicker […]

Leash Walking 105: Sit in Position

Logout Leash Walking: Sit in Position PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be comfortable yielding to pressure on the lead. Your dog should be comfortable following you when you move. TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch or pocket Clicker TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: In position. Treat your […]

Settle 105: Changing Positions & Locations

Logout Settle: Changing Positions & Location TOOLS: Clicker Treats Treat pouch Mat TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in a low distraction environment, but you’ll be moving throughout your home as your dog learns. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Toss the treats off the mat. STEPS: Moving the Mat Show your dog the mat and place it on the floor. […]

Settle 104: Extending time

Logout Settle: Extending the Time PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be approaching and lying down on the mat. You should not be using a cue yet. TOOLS: Clicker Treat pouch Treats Mat TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: A relatively low distraction environment in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Toss the treat to get your dog to move away from […]

Luring Down

Logout Luring Down PREREQUISITE Your dog needs to sit voluntarily without being asked. TOOLS: Treats Treat Pouch Clicker TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: In place (in your dog’s mouth). STEPS: Do not use a cue (“Down”) during this exercise. With your dog in a […]

Settle 103: Getting to Down

Logout Settle: Getting to Down TOOLS: Clicker Treats Treat pouch Mat TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Three treats between your dog’s toes for down, and click and toss a treat to get your dog off the mat for everything. See other detailed instructions below […]

Down 101: Capturing

Logout Introducing Down TOOLS: Clicker Treats Treat pouch Tired dog TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION:  Toss the treats far enough away that your dog has to get up, or place them on his mat if it is far enough away. STEPS: PLEASE DO  NOT […]

Recall 201: Hide and Seek

Logout Recall: Playing Hide and Seek With Your Dog PREREQUISITE:  Your dog should be coming to you from across a room when you are not in view. TOOLS: Treats Toys Treat Pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT:  Your home with as few distractions present (usually other people or pets) as possible. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION:  Throw a party for […]