Located in Rudy, Arkansas
Serving Fort Smith, Van Buren, and surrounding areas

Sit 105: Adding movement

Logout Sit: Adding Movement PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be sitting for several seconds and getting up when you give him the release cue. If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step. Go back to the previous lesson on sit and practice some more. TOOLS: Treat pouch Treats Clicker […]

Sit 104: Release Word

Logout Sit: Adding the Release Word PREREQUISITE: Your dog should be sitting whenever you ask him with your verbal cue in a low distraction environment.  If your dog is not doing this, please do not proceed to the next step. Go back to the previous lesson on sit and practice some more. TOOLS: Treats Treat […]

Recall 102: Adding Distance and Moving Out of Sight

Logout Recall: Increasing the Criteria TOOLS: Clicker Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Throw a party in place STEPS: You’ve been calling from six feet away and throwing a party.  Extend that to ten feet or across the room from your dog.  […]

Settle 102: Clicking for interaction

Logout Introducing Settle (Relax on a Mat) TOOLS: Mat Clicker Treats Treat Pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION:   Start by placing treats in center of the mat.  If your touch behavior is not well developed you may need to toss some treats off the […]

Touch 101

Logout Touch TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: Start by giving the treat to your dog.  After your dog starts to get the game toss the treat away from you to encourage him to touch from farther away. STEPS: Place a […]

Loose Leash Walking 107

Logout Loose Leash Walking: Acquiring the Position PREREQUISITES: Leash compliance (responding to pressure on the lead) Moving with your dog TOOLS: Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: Start in the least distracting (most boring) place in your home.  A Hallway works well.  You do not need your dog on a leash. RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION: In position […]

Leash Walking 102: Moving with your dog

Logout Moving With Your Dog TOOLS: Clicker Treats Treat pouch TRAINING ENVIRONMENT: A wide open, preferably indoor area where you can move about without having your dog on a leash. Choose a place that is the least distracting you can find where the area is open enough for you to move around.RECOMMENDED TREAT POSITION:  In […]

Leash Walking 101: Leash pressure

Logout Loose Leash Walking: Putting Pressure on the Leash PREREQUISITES: Positive interrupter is recommended.  Click HERE to find instructions for training one. Dog who is not upset by harness. If your dog cannot tolerate a harness, please see your trainer for instructions. TOOLS: Clicker Treats Harness recommended.  Collar will work. Treat pouch 4-6 foot leash […]

Sit 102: Extending Time

Logout Sit: Extending Time REMEMBER:  DO NOT CUE OR GIVE A HAND SIGNAL YET.  You need consistent and predictable behavior that happens every time.  Even if you have a consistent hand signal, please don’t use it!  We want to teach your dog that a verbal cue is also important, and he will not learn a […]

Treat Placement

Logout Treat Placement You can use your treat delivery to speed up training in a few ways. Our choice of delivery locations depends on our goals. Treating in place:  Handing the treat to your dog wherever he is. Treating on the mat:  Placing your dog’s treat in the center of his/her mat. Tossing a treat:  […]